Ep 166 – Ice Verzuz The Haterz
In honor of Thanksgiving, the guys get a head start on a few time honored holiday traditions. As with most holiday shindigs, the festivities commence with a few seasonally appropriate (read: sugary) beverages to loosen things up, followed by some polite small talk about the topics of the day. (FWIW if you like semi-relevant pop stars from the mid-late 2000s, you’re gonna be very happy.) Of course, no holiday can be complete without some unwarranted hostility about topics no one will care about or remember in a week’s time. (FWIW if you like arguments about irrelevant rappers from the late 90s and early 2000s, you’re gonna be really happy… Or angry… Or both.) Have a listen on your way to see that relative you have to pretend to like. And happy Thanksgiving! Don’t forget: badslant.com/support for all your Black Friday shoppery.