Ep 181 – Bad Googler
This week, the boys brought JJ’s extended birthday celebration to a merciful end with an epic recap (hangover and all). Once the fog was lifted, JJ found time to fill in as the show’s resident Apple correspondent. Our man on the street shared his takeaways from a surprisingly brief Silicon showcase showdown. Elsewhere, the Watcher and the Iceman reviewed the final episode of “Jeen-Yuhs” before spending an inordinate amount of time discussing the latest Fast and Furious “film”. The guys then waxed philosophical about the Washington Football ‘Ders latest franchise QB experiment. And if that wasn’t enough of a bummer, they contemplated the idea of the local hoops team reuniting with an old flame from their glory years. Grab a mildly caffeinated drink and breeze through two hours of stammeringly good fun.