Ep 183 – Series Finale
SPOILER ALERT: This isn’t the last BS podcast. This week, AJ brings tales from his weekend getaway for Mrs. AJ’s birthday. And in the midst of all the outdoorsy fun, the BSPK turned PK God flexes his muscles once more, showing everyone just how (parlay) kings are crowned. Before long, the gambling talk conjures up memories from Vegas trips of yesteryear, and suddenly, plans are in place for a last hurrah in 2023. Elsewhere, the boys call out clout chasers and discuss how everything linked to the flying Tesla video collectively irks them to no end. Finally, the guys discuss Daredevil’s softly rebooted move to Disney+ while mourning Wandavision’s epic one-season run. It’s a decidedly sports-light episode so enjoy the near two-hours of banter.