Ep 137 – Moderna Mafia
It’s an “unexpected” #NOICE episode this week, with the brothers BS playing down a man. To everyone’s chagrin, the Iceman was on the mend after another brutal beatdown at the hands of mafiosos at Moderna, so AJ and JJ were left to give their most honest and thoughtful reviews of the remaining snacks gifted to the show (courtesy of @gracioussnacks / follow her on IG). Even without a full compliment of hosts, the boys pulled off a rather impressive trifecta, consisting of 1) a nerdy, fact-driven post-mortem on “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier”, 2) a hollow analysis of what’s to come in Phase 4 of the MCU, and 3) a thorough alienation of both the listening and viewing audiences. They did their level best to salvage what was left of the show by talking about how the Wizards of pro basketball helped restore their collective love for degenerate gambling. Word to the wise: This episode pairs nicely with agave based beverages.