Ep 152 – Asians of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Ice was away last week so you KNOW his return this week would mean a stacked episode. And stacked it was. After a quick recap of the Chairman’s brief reprieve from normal life, the boys got down to brass tacks, specifically, the business of watching the newest (and Asian-est) Marvel superhero make his debut on the big screen. Additionally, there happened to be roughly 9 million Marvel news stories in the past week so there was plenty of meat on that bone. Of course, you can’t talk Marvel without talking Disney. And when you’re talking Disney, inevitably, you’re talking money (something Ice will surely be without after he visits Orlando in a few scant months). Usually, transitioning from Disney to Space Mountain would seem pretty straight forward and almost certainly family friendly… but we assure you, on this occasion, it was anything but. Throw on your best Pro Wrestling Tee, fart in Jack Morris’ general direction, and plop yourself down for a LOT of show.